In the Spotlight

Kayla Mitchell

Name: Kayla Mitchell 

Position: ANABIP Youth Outreach Worker 

Dinï ze’, ts’akë ze’, skiy ze’. Si Sozï’ Kayla Mitchell. Si N’eh Kristal Grenkie, Si b’ep Rodney Mitchell. Laksilyu deest’ah.
Cheifs. My name is Kayla Mitchell. My mother is Kristal Grenkie, my father is Rodney Mitchell. My clan is Laksilyu (small frog clan). My father clan is Gilseyhu (big frog clan), and my house is Tsee K’al K’e Yex (house on the flat rock).

I currently work as the Youth Outreach Worker within the ANABIP program. My goal is to support our young Indigenous learners to foster Wet’suwet’en values as they journey through the education system. My intentions are to empower our Wet’suwet’en youth to autonomously reach their highest potential through culture, community, and education.

In my off time I enjoy fishing, being on the territory, being by any body of water, and enjoying time with friends and family. I have a passion for cooking, and love cooking for big family gatherings. I’m currently a student at Simon Fraser University in the faculty of Health Sciences, with a focus on Indigenous social determinants of health and how holistic perspectives to wellness improve our overall quality of life.

If you have any questions or need support you can email me at

Meet Kayla Mitchell

Video: Your Voice, Our Future

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